Legal form
Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts (Civil law partnership)
VAT (Turnover Tax) ID number: DE 361163779
Partners with power of representation
Lawyer and notary (retired) Wolfgang Vater
Lawyer and notary Nicole Junghänel
Admission to practice
All lawyers of the law firm are admitted to practice as lawyers in the Federal Republic of Germany. Lawyers of the law firm belong to the Chamber of Lawyers Frankfurt am Main, Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main. Notaries of the law firm are appointed as notary in Frankfurt am Main (Federal Republic of Germany) and belong to the Chamber of Notaries Frankfurt am Main at the following address:
Notarkammer (Chamber of Notaries) Frankfurt am Main
Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: 069-17009802; Fax: 069-17009825,
Supervisory authority is the President of the Landgericht (District Court) Frankfurt am Main, at the following address:
Landgericht Frankfurt am Main, The President,
Gerichtsstr. 2, 60313 Frankfurt am Main
The professional regulations can be found at under the heading “Berufsrecht” and the following links.
Lawyer and notary (retired) Wolfgang Vater
Lawyer and notary Nicole Junghänel
Contact/responsible partner
for the purposes of Press Law and in accordance with TMG (German Teleservices Act)
Lawyer and notary Nicole Junghänel
Professional rules for lawyers
BRAQ – German Federal Lawyers Act
BORA – Professional Rule for Lawyers
FAO – Regulations for Lawyers Specialized in Certain Areas of Law
RVG – Lawyers Remuneration Act
CCBE – Code of Conduct for Lawyers within the European Union
BNotO – Federal Notary Act
DONot – Service Regulations for Notaries
Professional Guidelines of the Chamber of Notaries, Frankfurt am Main
BeurkG – German Notarization Act
European Code of Notarial Professional Law
KostO – Schedule of Costs of Arbitration
The regulations on professional conduct of lawyers and notaries can be accessed through the Chamber of Lawyers and Chamber of Notaries, Frankfurt am Main.
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